Latest Thought Spirals…

  • For I Hope You Finally Hear Me

    Today I whisper into the wind All of my love for you.I just need a place to put it.Feeling all of it living in what it took to make my current selfIs too much now.Not being able to tell you in a way that serves me too Is becoming too much now.I hope my confessions…

    Read more: For I Hope You Finally Hear Me
  • The Silent Catalyst

    Notice the nothingness in the room. Let the silence echo in your ears until it drives you mad, until it wakes whatever has been hiding in the darkest parts of you. No more distractions. I want you to feel that internal scream banging against the confines of your skin. Let those vibrations motivate movement, encourage…

    Read more: The Silent Catalyst
  • Blood And Breath

    The blood that pools around my feet isn’t recognized as my own. A foreign fuel source. The very thing pumping me full of shame and pain. I release you from my veins as a desperate attempt at relieving me of your weight, only to find that you’re not even mine. I look at the veins…

    Read more: Blood And Breath
  • Mama Yuba Magic

    The magic from Mama Yuba cleanses my worries away.Carries them down stream and charges the core of who I am with a fresh energetic arrangement. It’s in her icy blue that I recognize the reality of who I am and what I’m truly capable of.The word resiliency means more to me now than just staying…

    Read more: Mama Yuba Magic
"Often times I feel trapped inside myself, 
unable to express to those around me 
what I need 
what I want 
and what is going on inside. 
It can feel like a prison, oh so lonely. 
This haunting deep inner knowing that no one can truly know the real me. 
Only if they could shrink themselves small and nestle themselves into the folds of my brain. 
Just sit and witness what is going on inside this mind of mine. 
Help me interpret the chaos. 
Tell me that you understand so that I know that I'm no longer alone. 
Tell me that this is all making sense to you, too. 
Cast your words as spells of reassurance to continue on as me, the real me. 
Let me know that the deeper I go will only lead me to the place I've been wandering towards for so long. 
I am searching for something in external sources and when I don't find it a lonely pit illuminates inside. Maybe what I don't realize is that what I'm looking for is me. 
I want to find ways to express myself fully. 
More searching 
More wandering is to be done. 
I've still got a long ways to go." 


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